Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pleasure & Learning

Yesterday I got to do something I haven't in the past few weeks - ride around and gallop up hills with D. It was a refreshing, positive point in a depressing time for me.

It was humid and approaching 96 degrees, with 'realfeel' well over 100... Uhg. D just stood, breathing hard from the heat, under the barn roof with me. The walk from the paddock exsausted us both. Still, I wanted to move though, and the cool breeze under the grove trees in the back pasture were calling me, surely a very short saddled ride wouldn't hurt. Currently I'm refusing to put the Wintec on his back since I'm trying to help heal all that muscle wastage. Bareback has been uncomfortable lately, my tailbone has been acting up. >_< I decided to try the Klimkie again, I haven't tried it since April and I figured maybe if I just walked it wouldn't get banged down into his spine. He eyed it suspiciously when I pulled it out, but he didn't show any opinion or emotion when I held it under his nose to sniff. Saddling was ok, I noticed his head and neck tense but he's been that way about every saddle put on his back... but he didn't move at all. Upon mounting he headed back for the barn, and I was about to turn him when I noticed a LARGE herd of deer in the lower field. Since he'd already been acting spooky I didn't want to deal with extra added stimuli at the moment, so I allowed him to walk through the barn to the other side. I figured riding in his pasture with his buddies would alleviate some of the insecurity he was apparently experiencing. After remounting he made it clear he'd rather just go take his usual position under the trees with the herd. Unfortunately with a rider it's hard to fit under the tree. I admit we argued some and for me it's really hard to find a balance right now - if I don't to some degree "make" him excercise he won't walk up and down the hills at all unless he has to. Thus his muscle tone will continue to decrease. After some major "I want to go this way.." "No, We should go this way" I convinced him to head along by the pond and oaktree. He burst into a trot up one of the hills and I worked on keeping a steadily balanced light seat. So much easier with stirrups. Then he wanted to go back X_X. I pointed him towards the beach at the pond corner and suddenly realizing what I was suggesting he splashed gladly into the water and nearly into the middle of the pond! O_O I had to suggest that he NOT take me swimming in my leather saddle. So we stood there in belly deep water while he pawed happily, grunted and blew bubbles. He reached his head around when my hand caught his eye and I gave him a few strokes. He seemed incredibly happy and relaxed. We left and walked back towards the gate, though I still wanted to walk the entire pasture. We started off up the hill by the side of the house but he wasn't comfortable with walking so he started into a bolt-canter. I had to hold on for dear life and apparently me trying to hold him back annoyed him, he let out some hopping bucks and a grunt. At the top of the hill he cantered along for a moment before slowing to a walk. It was really nice actually and I tried very hard to have a soft seat and not bump him. After that though he was about done - wanted nothing more than to stand with his buddies, so I took him back to the barn and unsaddled him. I inspected his back and noted one small spot on either side of his wither, but they weren't dry, just lighter in color.

I figured some trot work would be good without a rider, so we went out to the ring and lounged on an extra large circle. I noticed his bend and any stiffness in his circles. He's definately stiff both ways, both shoulders seem to fall in, but he kept a much lighter feel on the line this time - maybe my circles have been too small and I've been asking for too much bend. His trot transitions were fairly prompt this time but his trot was lazy and draggy - although he did pick up on the straight away a couple times. I wrapped things up quickly because within 5 minutes dark clouds had blown over and it certainly didn't feel like 96 degrees anymore. A big storm was coming. He stood rather nervously in the barn while I put tack away and took him out to his pasture. Upon being turned out Levi came over, to hide behind D because of a cardboard box that'd been blow into the front yard. D immediately seemed relaxed when turned out, despite the massive winds, dust and debris being kicked up.

A note on the rainrot battle - I've been away for 2 days and upon inspection a huge yellow oozing scab came off his forehead just under his forelock. I've really gotta take care of this junk. I think Zinc Oxide based cream might do for his heels now that they're getting better from the dew poisoning/rainrot.

I think my point about yesterday was the relaxing feel of a short but free ride, and my slow learning about working together with him.

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